Now is not the time to panic, this is a time to evaluate & prepare. We are attaching a few links that we suggest reviewing to better educate yourself & others on the current outbreak. These links will help you protect your loved ones & yourself to the best of your abilities.
Please always keep in mind If you are experiencing a fever & have a cough or shortness of breath AND have traveled outside of the USA in the last 14 days or have come in contact with someone who has traveled outside of the USA and is sick, PLEASE call you doctor or hospital before leaving your home!!! There are processes in place in every situation to protect you, the staff, and other patients but healthcare facilities need advance notice if at all possible.
We ask that you continue to follow updates on your clinics facebook page. The clinics are always updating with the most up to date information.
Altamont Medical Center:
Mid-Illinois Quick Care:
Dieterich Clinic:
Greenville Family Medicine: